- Fiscal and labour planning for international workforce from both the company’s and the employee’s point of view. (Transfer prices, erosion of tax bases, control of re-billing and design of location of expenditure per origin/destination functions).
- Management of expatriates and immigrants for labour and Social Security purposes in origin or destination.
- Contractual structuring of the Mobility of workers by Cross-Border Employment Arrangements and related structures. (Secondment, Transfer, GEC or Dual Employment).
- Expatriates Management Protocol.
- Frequent travellers and false expatriates.
- Communication Plans and internal procedures to manage workers in mobility.
- Preparation of International Mobility Policies.
- Documentation management of the displaced contingent (expatriates/immigrants/localized/frequent travellers).
- Design of processes to manage the application of the Exemption for Earned Income for working abroad and similar measures of tax incentives for international mobility, both in origin and destination.
- Occupational risk prevention in the context of business internationalization.
- Design of compensation package and Management of Total Compensation during the displacement.
- Audit and analysis of corporate practice in origin and destination.
- HR Consultancy in multi-country situations.
- Golden Visa Spanish Residency Investment